Desde el 9 al 12 de octubre de 2016

Informa el IES Pérez Comendador participa en el proyecto Erasmus  K2 Erasmus+ “Salus per Acceptionem” junto a los siguientes centros educativos europeos:
IS LEONARDO DA VINCI de Carate Brianza (Italia)
IES SON PACS de Palma de Mallorca (España)
IES Pérez comendador de Plasencia (España)
EVANGELISCHE SCHULE BERLIN Zentrum de Berlín (Alemania)
ITSOS ALBE STEINER de Milán (Italia)

En Palma de Mallorca tuvo lugar la primera reunión de es te proyecto Erasmus +


Participants with fewer opportunities: does your project involve participants facing situations that make their participation more
How many participants (out of the total number) would fall into this category?
Which types of situations are these participants facing?
Economic obstacles
Social obstacles
Cultural differences
How will you support these participants so that they will fully engage in the planned activities?
Support to participation will be granted by the money given to pay for the costs of the project activities, particularly, by that devoted to dissemination.
Please describe what will be done in preparation by your organisation and by your partners before the actual project activities take
place, e.g. administrative arrangements, etc.
WP1 MANAGEMENT ( 1-24 months)
The preparation stage is one of the most important key factors for a successful project implementation. There are several lines to be followed by the partnership,  in order to effectively start the project up.
The first one is the preparation of staff to be involved, especially in partner Schools.
The coordinator will start a series of direct contacts with each partner to organise some activities in each country, confirming actions and staff to be involved. 
This means that each partner will internally prepare a series of action plans and organisational schemes for its staff. Another important element for preparation is a more accurate scheduling of each single task especially taking into account periods of maximum education activities in schools.
The coordinator will also put in common a draft version of the project management plan – containing  Administrative, Procedural, Communication, Conflict resolution chapters – in order to have feedbacks  from the partners, before the starting of the project.
Participants in mobility will be given a linguistic preparation , together with a cultural background and knowledge of the existing rules in the Country of destination, as far as healthcaring is concerned, as well.
A specific insurance policy will be taken out, for risk covering, civic responsibility and against accidents , that will cover all the participants in mobility.
All the schools will subscribe to the e-twinning platformas a means of communication and dissemination l'inserimento dei dati di progetto: in the meanwhile the coordinator will register into the Erasmus+ dissemination Platform, dedicated to KA2 projects.
All the schools, under their national legislations, will draw up the mission statements and the individual contracts, for the administrative management of the project.
In order to be ready, all the staff involved in the project will attend the training webinars, prepared by each National Agency for the purpose.
As far the the General Coordinator of the  project, that is the IIS LEONARDO DA VINCI (Italy), is concerned, it will receive support from the Local Network of Schools fostering a European common Culture, of which the institution is a member, in terms of guidance in the project management.
The same Leonardo da Vinci Highschool will prepare the relevant documents ( time sheets, a template for reports, etc.) for the best coordination.
F.1. Project Management
How will you ensure proper budget control and time management in your project?
WP1 MANAGEMENT (1-24 months)
Budget control and time management are under responsibility of each school.
First of all the coordinator of each school will produce a management plan that will feature specific chapters for budget control and time management.
A specific part will be dedicated to man/day monitoring as one of the key features to check the real effect of project implementation, but, also, to evaluate possible modifications and adaptations in staff participation.
The ongoing comparison between the proposed staff engagement and the real results from implementation of such engagement, will grant a continuous check on project performances, leading the project school coordinator to have always the situation under control.
The coordinator of each school  will take a pro-active approach to maintain motivation, providing timely information, fostering discussion and intervening, always supported by each single partner, whenever requested, to clear up misunderstandings or resolve conflicts.
Three-monthly online plenary meetings will update all partners on project progress.
An easy-to-use template will summarize activities, results and decisions.
An internal mailing list will support communication and decision making, throughout the project.
Time management is also a specific part of quality assurance processes.
This system will be based on a specific matrix, matching all the activities and outputs to be produced, human resources engagement and deadlines. This will allow the school coordinator either, to verify step by step, or to detect potential delays and critical situations for staff, in advance, giving the possibility to tackle the issues and solve them.
Another element for budget control and time management is the creation of a school work group  – composed by the school coordinator and the administrative staff ( 2 employees)  that will be in charge of evaluating the project progress, and tackle any issue regarding activities implementation. This committee will meet once per month.

How will the quality of the project's activities and results be monitored and evaluated? Please mention the involved staff profiles and
frequency of such quality checks.
A dashboard of indicators will be implemented.
Indicators: the plan will indicate specific and measurable indicators such as
-deadlines of outcomes;
-achievement of results,
-number of reached targets
-number of comments from stakeholders,
-type and patterns for exploiting the initiatives created
Qualitative level of satisfaction will be evaluated with tools directed to internal partnership, by involved experts and selected target group samples .
The frequency of quality checks is determined by three levels of assessment and  data reporting:
1) Ongoing monitoring of actions with monthly reporting ( for activities)
2) A 3-monthly report on financial situation, focusing on costs and time control
3) The final  evaluation  will monitor the production of each relevant output and will provide 1 report
The coordinator will provide an ongoing report and one final report for the National Agency
Each partner school will appoint a coordinating team, inside which two people will be in charge of monitoring and evaluating activities and results, using the Gantt chart of the project, together with a double-entrance matrix, with the milestones and a record of the achieved results.
That Gantt diagram, thus, will become the actual timing and quality assurance instrument for the project.
How will the quality of the project's activities and results be monitored and evaluated? Please mention the involved staff profiles and
frequency of such quality checks.
What are your plans for handling project risks (e.g. conflict resolution processes)?
The risk management is an ongoing process that continues through the life of a project. The main reference is the risk management plan included in the quality assurance plan. It will be based on  four stages:
- Risk Identification
- Risk Quantification
- Risk Response
- Risk Monitoring and Control
It includes processes for risk management planning, identification, analysis,  monitoring and control.
A steering committee  will be responsible for resolving any conflicts and handle any other risk. The criteria for handling risks will be based on ERASMUS+ rules/contractual agreements and the etiquette of good relationships between partners, respecting the following principles: 
• Free Thinking
• Civility: partners work to create an atmosphere where they can openly and honestly share and discuss ideas. 
• Respect and acceptance : as a general rule, decisions will be taken after discussion between all the involved partners, in order to diminish any possible risk and to prevent any conflict.
Apart from those most general indicated, the risks that might be likely to intervene in a partnership are:
- any single coordinator's illness: a substitute will be appointed inside the project team.
- media-related technological problems: since they are crucial for the project, each school will follow an encoded??? procedure, in accordance with the national quality systems. All the multimedia and information technologies will be verified by an expert technician before each activity. An ADSL line will be dedicated to the project implementation.
- mobility- related problems: the administrative staff will carefully organise and monitor all the travelling, and will choose the most adequate providers .
A netiquette will be drawn up, according to the responsibility matrix, in order to contain risk incidence.
Which activities and indicators of achievement (quantitative and qualitative) will you put in place in order to assess whether and to
what extent, the project reaches its objectives and results?
The project provides both quantitative and qualitative indicators to assess whether, and to what extent, it reaches its objectives and results.
The main “in presence” panel of indicators to evaluate the project results will be done by each school and will be ready at the end of the project period.
Other indicators to assess whether objectives are reached refer to:
- The implementation of 20  teaching hours for each school in 4  teaching modules about active citizenship.
- Indicators of success and efficiency about the results and the adquisition of objectives.
A cruise-control panel will be created ( impact, results and customer satisfaction) taking into consideration the following parameters, and the concept of efficiency, stated in the different contexts of the project:
Indicators of impact:
a) acquired political awareness:
increased pupils'comprehension and awareness towards political and social participation.
80% of the students knows either the local, and the European political structures;
50% deviation from the exercising voting rights rate within the school Collegial Bodies
b) enhanced building up of critical thinking
increased ability of reflecting on crucial topics ( such as Europe and inclusion)
100% of students involved in a  in the DEBATE process can entable, and maintain an open and democratic discussion
100% of the students  knows and is able to respect the rules stated by a DEBATE process
c) enhanced competence in life skills ( attitudes, behaviours, and values)
increased emotion and relationship managing  both, in a social and personal context.
100% of the students behaves correctly and respectfully
d) enhanced participation in social life
increased sense of citizenship and belonging ( to EU in a national context)
80% of the students takes part in decisions inside the school Collegial Bodies
70% increase in proposals for improvement processes inside the school
-Customer satisfaction:
The tool will be based on a first questionnaire that will be submitted to students and teachers at the beginning of the project  to verify their attitudes, believes and behaviours towards citizenship issues. A second questionnaire will be submitted at the end of the two years to measure both 1) satisfaction of participants fort the received training; 2) attitudes, believes and behaviours towards citizenship issues, after the 2 year-project implementation.
80% of participants explain an evaluation >4/5
G. Implementation
Please elaborate on the methodology you intend to apply in your project. Please also provide detailed information about the project
activities that you will carry out with the support of the grant requested under the item "Project Management and Implementation".
( 1 to 24)
1) Definition of internal procedures for project implementation, based on a brief but complete manual that will indicate all the tools and measures to be used. This guideline will be also working on financial management of the project as explained above
2) project internal /external communication: outlined in the management manual, internal communication will be based on shared protocols and online tools
3) project meetings coordination: meeting in persons are defined to grant specific discussion time in accordance with work plan and they are foreseen in the same period of milestones achievement. Nevertheless an ongoing dialogue among the partners will be granted with online meetings. At least one online meeting out of every 3 months is granted.
4) financial reporting and monitoring.
5) internal quality monitoring: the quality assurance monitoring will be granted by specific tools (from questionnaires to focus groups during project meetings )
6) implementation of an e-book, that will gather all the experiences of inclusion in the four involved countries, and resulting from  the activities  carried out within the project.
Please provide detailed information about the activities that your project will organise and elaborate on the methods you intend to
The activities to be implemented during the project take place either during transnational exchanges and during the regular school time, mainly thanks to the eTwinning Platform, that will enable a constant updating about the most significant ones.
All the activities have been designed according to the 5 WH Questions+ How. For more detailed information SEE ANNEX 1 TO THIS PROPOSAL, TOGETHER WITH THE GANTT SCHEME FOR THE PROJECT.

WORK PACKAGE 2, in every Country.
Duration: 4 months ( 1 to 4)
Aim: implementation of good practices for inclusion of foreign students, with their families
( Welcoming new comers ; Country instructions for use ; School tu-tour )

WORK PACKAGE 3, in every Country
Duration: 3 months ( 1 to 3)
Aim: development of basic language and cultural competences in foreign students
(Crash course L2, language course - Training courses for teachers on: a) designing an e-book, b)multimedia production, c) inclusion by means of ICTs - Usefull pills (video clips, as a survival kit for foreign students, in 5 languages, Italian/Spanish/German/English, French, but also in the most recurrent migrants' language, according to their presence in the national areas e.g.: Arab/Pakistani/  - L2 e-book : a compilation of the materials produced inside the national languages as L2- exercises, rules, vocabulary-
Transnational Training course for teachers on inclusion through media education, in Berlin, see part C- (month 4).

WORK PACKAGE 4,  in every Country
Duration: 15 month (5 to 19)
Aim: development of communication skills and citizenship competences (cross-curricular)
Implementation of the DEBATE Methodology on the following topics:
a) The Wall of Berlin fall
b) The birth and life of Solidarnosc
c)  The Schengen Treety
d) The Euro - from an economic point of view -
The relevant deliverable for each group will be two short videos, on the DEBATE process: 6 groups are expected to be working on the 4 topics ( a) The Wall of Berlin fall b) The birth and  life  of Solidarnosc c) The Schengen Treety d) The Euro - from an economic point of view -) first in a national and then in an international context. The videos will be submitted to another DEBATE session, later on (See C4), to appoint the best one, after discussion and negociation.

WORK PACKAGE 5, in every Country
A FUTURE FOR EUROPE, A SPEECH 4 EU ( with e-twinning exchanges)
Duration: 11 month ( 11 to 22 )
Aim: development of communication skills and citizenship competences (cross-curricular)
Analysis of political speeches on the European stage : different rhetorical styles.
Role-play:  imitating the politicians (replay).
Drawing up of  a speech in favour of the EU (one for each school), according to the detected patterns: recording and sharing through Hangouts Platform.
Promotion of the fundamental European values: human rights, democracy, acceptance, identity etc.
Stepping up to produce 4 documentaries, one for each Country, on common themes, that is intollerance, xenofobia and euroscepticism - using a  shared question/answer scheme- Statistical analysis of answers and relevant graphs - multimedia presentation of the results.

( 1 to 24)
Dissemination activities: dissemination will be implemented inside a specific external communication plan. These activities will be  covered by the Project Management and Implementation budget.
The mid-term and final dissemination will be carried out in two different, fundamental moments:
1) the mid-term one, in May 2017, concomitantly to Europe Day , during which the video deliverables will be presented within the framework of the TimeLine Film Festival 2017;
2) the final one, in May 2018, again, within the framework of the TimeLine Film Festival , 2018 edition.

MEDIA EDUCATION and the Open Educational Resources ( Open Knowledge)  will be used to develop basic competences – technological, digital, linguistic and social, in addition to citizenship competences.
These competences must be the following:
Civic competences (participation through volountary actions or public political  intervention through vote and public petition system);
•  social competences (living and working together, resolving the conflicts);
•  communication competences (listening, comprehension and discussion) ;
• intercultural competences (designing an intercultural dialogue and appreciating cultural differences).

G.1. Learning/Teaching/Training Activities
Do you plan to include transnational learning, teaching or training activities in your project?
What is the added value of these learning, teaching or training activities (including long-term activities) with regards to the
achievement of the project objectives?
Teachers from all the partners' schools  will be involved in a training course on inclusive teaching methodologies, by means of media education.
Thanks to the course, teachers will have the opportunity to widen their knowledge and competences in an international environment, which will increase their self-esteem, with a positive impact on the school.
The training will also enhance, through comparison with foreign collegues, their self awareness and capability of establishing relationships, together with a greater propensity towards euro-design.
They will implement the learnt methodologies, on ICTs and digital environments for inclusion, either in class and at different levels.
In the departments of their disciplines, they will experiment the new methodologies to evaluate the positive impact on students, in general, but, especially, on foreign ones.
Working interdisciplinary, to allow students to produce multimedia outputs, they will rub off their expertise on the other school boards, the board of teachers included.
But the first to benefit from the acquisition of the teachers’ new European and  technical competences, will be the students, that are supposed to enhance their trusting in the expert trainers, to be seen as useful leaders to school and professional success.
Schools thus,  once become a point of reference  for innovation and inclusion, will positively impact  on a social level, as well.
Please describe each of the learning, teaching or training activities you intend to include in your project:
Activity No C1
Fields School Education
Activity Type. Short-term joint staff training events
Activity Description The training activities will focus on the following matters:
1) ICTs and media education
2) guidance and skills about ICTs and media education
3) workshop : how we can use media in education
4) practical laboratory with job shadowing activities
5) DEBATE methodology
Under a quantitative point of view, it is expected the participation of  two teachers per school (one of the national language, one responsible for the media education),  with the aim of training 10 teachers as a whole.
This course will be organised by the Berlin Evangelische Shule, in December 2016, thanks to its high level competences. But that will be the final result of some other training experiences, carried out at home, with experts chosen by each school. Besides what indicated in the overview, the focus will be put on the following:
- how to create an e-book
- basic multimedia and audiovisual competences
- inclusive teaching methodologies with ICTs
Observation activities on the ground, based on a learning by doing methodology, are foreseen, exactly because of the best practices that the Berlin School can display, which are to be studied, further deepened and  replicated  with a strong, local, mainstreaming.
The course will be, then, shared on line,  for enrichment, and to be reintroduced, during dissemination and sustainability, to the teachers of all the schools involved in the project, and to all the local Deputy Offices of the Ministries of Education, that will translate it in their national languages, for further reproduction.
Moreover, the Debate metholodology will be included, as well.
No. of Participants 10
Duration (days) 5
Participating Organisations
Activity No. C2
Fields School Education
Activity Type. Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils
Activity Description n May 2017, a group of 5 students from each country, accompanied by 2  teachers from the project team, will participate in a mobility to Carate Brianza (Italy).
The students will be given the opportunity to present the videos coming from the experiences carried on in WP2, about welcoming and inclusion, and to introduce the "TimeLine Film Festival On The Move"initiative. That is supposed to become the "revolving" national edition of the Official annual TimeLine Film Festival, usually held in Carate Brianza: to give the initial kick-off, they will launch a contest  for the best short multimedia production ( ad, documentary)  on the future DEBATE activities. To be rewarded in 2018, in Plasencia, within the SPA- Salus per acceptionem -SECTION of the Timeline Film Festival On The Move, dedicated to the project (multimedia productions on inclusion and interculture). The latter section will be held in association with the "Plasencia Encorto Film Festival".
Apart from the experts, a group of students will join in the Jury.
During their staying, students will attend the screening of the productions invited and the press conferences on them. They will follow all the works and the intervention of various local public bodies invited to the event.
No. of Participants 28
Duration (days) 5
Activity No. C3
Fields School Education
Activity Type. Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils
In November 2017, in Salzburg , will be staged an exchange for groups of pupils (5 students + 2 accompanying teachers for each school), to practice the DEBATE METHODOLOGY.
Thus, 6 groups of 5 students will be formed for DEBATE: one pupil will act as a mediator, while two will stand PRO and two CONTR, so that to create a 30-minute-debate, in English.Participants will choose and discuss the topics, first in their national groups , and then,
at the end of the activity, they will be mixed up to start and study a new DEBATE, shared by students of different nationality.
Teachers will play the coach inside each group.
 The topics are the followings:
a) The Berlin Wall Fall
b) The birth and life of Solidarnosc
c) The SchengenTreety
d) the Euro - from an economic point of view -
 12 Videos will be shot during the activities ( six national and six in international groups).
No. of Participants 34
Duration (days) 5
Activity No. C4
Fields School Education
Activity Type. Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils
n March 2018, at Plasencia (Spain) , on occasion of the"Plasencia Encorto Film Festival" will be staged an exchange for groups of pupils (5 students + 2 accompanying teachers for each school, except for Albe Steiner High School)
Within a common framework, the "TimeLine Film Festival On The Move" and, particularly, its special SPA- Salus per acceptionem -SECTION , dedicated to this project (multimedia productions on inclusion and interculture), will be held in association with the "Plasencia Encorto Film Festival".
6 groups of 5 students, of different nationalities,will be formed for DEBATE: each group will watch two videos shot during the DEBATE activities, already carried out.  Then, with the known  DEBATE methodology (one pupil as a mediator, two PROs and two CONTRs, in a 30-minute-debate, in English) each group prepares to present the videos to the others, in a plenary session. Participants will split up into two groups of 12 PRO and 12 CONTR and, finally, vote for the best video, to reward it.
The winner of the contest  for the best short multimedia production ( ad, documentary as per C2) will, also, be appointed: apart from the experts, a group of students will join in the Jury and contribute to issue the verdict.
During their staying, students will attend the screening of the productions invited to both the events.
No. of Participants 28
Duration (days) 5

Please also describe the arrangements for recognition or validation of the learning outcomes of the participants in learning, teaching
or training activities. Will your project make use of European instruments like Europass, ECVET, Youthpass, ECTS etc. or any national
Europass, ECVET
As far as National certificates are concerned:
- Cambridge certifications for English Language knowledge
-  AICA certifications for ICTs
- EIPASS (that is a formation council recognized by the Italian Ministry of Education) certifications for digital competences of school staff  -
These documents will be useful to:
- report on activities
- validate acquired competences
The Partnership will use technical support and documents prepared by Europass to certificate personnel staff competences and abilities, and those acquired after the mobility, thanks to collaboration among all the schools.
This data recording will allow the coordinator to constantly monitor internal resources, to detect the areas to be  improved by means of a  training plan, designed by each school, according to a European level. It will, of course,  be useful for the partners, to draw a map of the competences and a  pattern of knowledge/competences /abilities, that can be widely spread and used .
The certificate will be used to prove the budget costs, and both required certificates will be an instrument to map each school's competences, even those under UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 certification, as requested by point 6 of the guidelines.
The Partnership will create a  map of resources through Instruction Councils, to improve formation programmes, innovative mobility plans and teaching units, through the competences that the trained people will put at disposal .
H. Follow-up
What is the expected impact on the participants, participating organisations, target groups and other relevant stakeholders?
a) Increasing of awareness , of professional competencies and of operative capabilities in media education.
• Development of abilities and competencies for theory and practice on potential solutions by using media education in teaching environments.
b) Development of projecting capabilities, by means of a direct participation in the definition of EUROPEAN ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP and the path for its future implementation. This main impact is defined by:
• Development of methodological capability, as well as of team work and sense of responsibility towards one's own building up.
• Integration of school activities with a pro-CITIZENSHIP approach
• Integration of multidisciplinary competencies, overcoming the self centred approach, sometimes too present at school
c) development of students'competencies and abilities :
• Development of competencies of acceptance and inclusion; enhancing  knowledge of the European Participating Institutions and of the rights that being a European citizen attributes to an individual.
• Development and consolidation of collaboration inside the partnership
• Development of a structured support based on the  European Citizenship framework
Target Groups (especially those indirectly involved in the project):
• Development of a new awareness in school institutions, at  a local and national level, of the overall complexity of requirements, coming from exercising European Active citizenship and inclusion
• Raising awareness in school managers, stakeholders and trainers, as well as in students, of needs connected to European Active citizenship and inclusion processes
• Strong pressure for a general improvement and adaptation of training modules managed by schools, which takes into consideration both, European Active citizenship and inclusion.
Stakeholders,  organisations and public entities from the involved areas:
• Development and consolidation of European Citizenship
• Weaving of  links among schools and regional associations and networks, in favour of using ICTs at school, to improve a stronger sense of European citizenship
• Establishing a new dialogue between schools
• Increasing of  links between schools and the Community, using a visual approach to knowledge.
What is the desired impact of the project at the local, regional, national, European and/or international levels?
Local level
• Involvement of all students, belonging to the schools participating in the project, in the development  of their awareness  towards European Active Citizenship.
• Raising interest and awareness in school decision makers,  especially on the urgency related to create   training courses on the themes promoted by the project, with a more focused attention to the use of media and visual education
• Raising interest and awareness on local stakeholders
Regional level
The desired regional impact is defined by several elements:
• Strong participation and involvement to European Active Citizenship programme by Festival, thanks to the presence of  a professional , professor Stefania Brambilla -,  inside the Deputy office of the Ministry of Education in  Monza , that support the coordinator  and is available to cooperate in the field of European projects, for example Europe for citizens.
All the partners will be asked to do the same in their own countries and will be requested to take part in future projects.
• Promotion of an effective cultural campaign on entire school population related to Europe and European citizenship
• The launch of a regional recognized Festival
National level
A new model for
• Collaboration between schools and territories
European Level
At European level, the first desired impact is, first of all, a recognition of the proposed model and its adaptation process  from EACEA , with a Festival that can involve all the European Countries.
It is expected to apply for the  Creative Europe-Media Program.
How will you measure the previously mentioned impacts?
Impact measurement of this project could be divided in mid term and long term.
Mid term  impact  (during the project):
number of students directly involved in project activities ( target: 50/100 students for each school)
improvement in the  level of attention to the themes touched by the project,  in schools involved ( target : 50% increase of the rate)
number of events realized /planned = 1
audience of these events >1000
Long term  direct impact (after project’s end)
number of schools adopting the  designed pattern >30
number of movies  realized /planned =1
number of training courses (4/4) and participants related = 10 participants and 300 non participants
Number of collaborations between schools = number of future projects ( 2 - Europe for Citizens and Creative Europe - Media )
H.2. Dissemination and Use of Projects' Results
You are requested to make plans for the dissemination of your project results. Please provide answers to the questions below.
To whom will you disseminate the project results inside and outside your organisation? Please define in particular your target
audience(s) at local/regional/national/EU level and motivate your choice.
Dissemination is a key factor for a successful project implementation and it is particularly important for a strategic partnership.
This process is contained  in the WP6, completely dedicated to it.
 Dissemination  will  be especially useful to train, inform and make people aware: the coordinator, together with the Steering Committee, will draw up a detailed dissemination plan, taking into account  the clues included in the Erasmus+ Guide, Annex II, and according to the 5 WH Questions + How and it will last throughout the project. ( 1-24 months)
it will be organised in two different levels.
1) Inside the partnership: a specific series of initiatives will be then launched, to especially reach out for trainers and students in schools involved, with the aim of presenting the project activities, the potential benefits for them, and explaning the role they will play.
What it is, then, fundamental is the fact that all involved partners will adopt guidelines coming from this project , and will implement them in the future.
2) Outside the partnership:
- All students and trainers of participating schools
- Other schools and students at local and regional level
- Citizens and local stakeholders 
- Policy makers and responsibles for education and training,  and for management of public services
- Municipalities and other related local authorities: seminars will be held, where the local authorities of each Country will be able to observe the outcomes of the project, especially the media deliverables  and the reports on the effects on inclusion of the young migrant population and the students' education to citizenship.
Who will be responsible for the dissemination activities within your partnership and which specific expertise do they have in this
area? What resources will you make available to allow for the proper implementation of your dissemination plans?
Each country will be responsible for its own, local dissemination activities, but the coordinator will supervise all the designed activities.
According to the dissemination plan, all the Countries will be especially involved with reference to the following aims:
- To train
The Training course for teachers,divided in 4 parts, will be the fundamental means of dissemination, that will impact, not only on the participating teachers, but also on the teaching community of each school, and the local one.
- To inform
All the countries will be responsible for the information about the project, starting from the very first activity, once obtained the grant.
- To enhance awareness
Each school will be responsible for transmission of the tangible and non-tangible results of the project to the population, that is, families and local authorities , who are crucial for supporting inclusion policies implemented  by schools.
The coordinator of the project will be in charge of  the final dissemination, during the wrap-up meeting, that it will organise in Italy.
Anyway, that of dissemination will be a transversal process, that will last throughout the project.
What kind of dissemination activities do you intend to carry out and through which channels?
Dissemination will be carried out through the following channels:
- conferences
- lectio magistralis
- local media
- local press
- disseminating events
- festivals ( per la disseminazione dei video)
- social networks
- media platforms (either educational or not)
How will you ensure that the project's results will remain available and will be used by others?
The digital teaching materials, under licences that allow reusing, modifying and distributing them as an open education tool.
The open teaching resources include:
    Learning and teaching materials: complete courses, modules, teaching units, collections and printed materials.
    Teaching tools: software for creating, , distributing, using and improving the Open Educational Resources, including research and organisation of contents, systems for contents and learning management, tools to develop contents, online learning communities and apps.
    Organisational Resources: licences for intellectual property, to promote open editions of materials, principles of design and allocation of the contents.
All the material outcomes, both digital and analogic, will be published in the  web page of each school, in those of the Local Deputy Offices of Education,  and in Erasmus+ Dissemination Platform:
H.3. Sustainability
What are the activities and results that will be maintained after the end of the EU funding, and how will you ensure the resources
needed to sustain them?
Study mobility will bring in new cooperation activities and new links between participating students of different nationalities, as well as between their home and host institutions.
Staff mobility generates new research cooperation activities between participating teachers from various European countries.  Teaching assignments will provide an effective way to reinforce links with existing partners. During those activities, participating staff will be able to discuss and get involved in research projects, allowing students to broaden their collaborative research skills.
One of the aims is to intensify cooperation activities with other schools, from other countries,  in order to keep stable or even increase the flows of outgoing and incoming information. The involved countries, Italy, Spain, Germany and Austria will maintain  the new network, based on stable, professional relationships, regular meetings and best-practice sharing, in order to become an important support network for other schools who will decide to apply for/join in Erasmus mobility.
The TimeLine Film Festival will be implemented in the future.
The idea is to entable teaching assignments, study visits and job shadowing, by applying for  Erasmus+  KA1,  to project within the  Europe for Citizens and Creative Europe - Media Programs, but also, to structure a partnership for a KA2 VET , involving also some media- enterprises project in favour of entrepreneurship, and according to the KA1 VET  Action for traineeships abroad, in the multimedia and cinema field.
J. Project Summary
Please provide a short summary of your project. Please recall that this section [or part of it] may be used by the European
Commission, Executive Agency or National Agencies in their publications. It will also feed the Erasmus+ dissemination platform.
Be concise and clear and mention at least the following elements: context/background of project; objectives of your project; number
and profile of participants; description of activities; methodology to be used in carrying out the project; a short description of the
results and impact envisaged and finally the potential longer term benefits.
In view of further publication on the Erasmus+ dissemination platform, please also be aware that a comprehensive public summary
of project results will be requested at report stage(s). Final payment provisions in the contract will be linked to the availability of such
The project promotes tolerance, understanding and intercultural dialogue between young European citizens and migrants of the same age., using debate methodology and media education.
The project involves 4 Countries ( Italy, Spain, Germany and Austria) and 6 high schools, all of them can be considered experts in the field of the project. It's foreseen to involve 100 people.
The idea of the project was born since the rate of migrants coming to the partners Countries is constantly increasing, and among them, the percentage of youngsters who become early leavers from education and training (with an average European rate of 11.1%, while in Spain, in 2014 this percentage raised up to 21.9, the highest in 28-EU) , it's important to find a way to ease their inclusion into the social environment that is supposed to be key to their future: school.
The objectives are:
1) The first one, to acquire a political literacy, means that the individual has to learn something about the social, political and civic institutions, about human rights, the national Constitutions, the citizens’ rights and duties, about social themes and how to acknowledge the historical and cultural heritage, together with the linguistic and cultural differences, inside the society.
2)The second one forms an integral part of the first, since the critical thinking is essential to political literacy, being the means by which young people can analyze and evaluate the information about social and political issues.
3)The third one is about values, attitudes and behavior that should be aroused by studying citizenship education. Among the expected results of this latter objective are mutual respect and understanding, social and moral responsibility, and solidarity towards each other.
4)Last objective, but not least, promotes the active participation of young people in community life and allows them to practice the skills and knowledge acquired, values included.
The used methodology  will be MEDIA EDUCATION ( with ICTs)  and DEBATE strategy, CLIL methodology and Public Speaking.
The deliverable, resulting from this work is:
-  a series of short documentaries, where students and migrants choose the cuts and the music, under the supervision of a student-director, appointed by them.
The videos will be presented during a cross-culture seminar, which is the second  milestone in the project, in the framework of the TimeLine Festival, an annual event that takes place in Carate Brianza, Italy, since 2009.
- the debate results ( public speaking results)
- CLIL modules and some others learning and teaching materials
The extent of its impact will be certainly widened by, either an estimated number of three thousand participants to the TimeLine Festival (at least, as many as have applied, as an average, to the previous ones!) and by the people from the four partner cities, involved in the activities and, especially in the making of the short videos.
On the other hand, the educational impact will be strong ,  because the project will implement:
-an integration of school activities with a pro-CITIZENSHIP approach
-an integration of multidisciplinary competencies, overcoming the self - centred approach, sometimes too present at school
-an increase in students' motivation and active participation to social and school life
-an increase in teachers' motivation because of a new methodological approach, using ICTs.
Sustainability will be granted at 3 different levels:
- the Shared Inclusion Protocol will be listed among the school programmes
- the TimeLine Film Festival will be implemented in the future in all the countries.
- at a European level, the idea is to entable teaching assignments, study visits and job shadowing, by applying for  Erasmus+  KA1,  to project within the  Europe for Citizens and Creative Europe - Media Programs, but also, to structure a partnership for a KA2 VET , involving also some media- enterprises project in favour of entrepreneurship, and according to the KA1 VET  Action for traineeships abroad, in the multimedia and cinema field.

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